Ex Maria Virgine
A Christmas SequenceFor the Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwallon thier wedding
superb premiere recording
St George’s Windsor
The LambToday the VirginOde of St AndrewGod is With UsThe Uncreated Eros
Ikon of Light
Tavener conducts The Lamb on the premiere recording
Iero Oneiro
Superb recent choral collection by committed Icelandic Choir
Ikon of Eros
Premiere recording of magnificent violin, tenor and chorus piece
John Tavener
A PortraitClassic Tavenerfeatures BjorkTavener interviews
Towards Silence
Recent exciting recording of latest large scale but intimate piece, nominated for a Mercury Award
John Tavener Collection
Song for AtheneThe Veil of the TempleFuneral IkosElizabeth Full of Grace